When your company chooses to obtain a COR (Certificate of Recognition) it means that your company's health & safety program will be audited against a recognized standard.
What makes a Certifying Partner?
Certifying Partners are authorized to administer the Certificate of Recognition (COR) program to provincial employers. Some associations are funded through a levy on employer's WCB premiums while others operate on a fee–for–service basis.
Certifying partner standards are reviewed and authorized by governing bodies such as the Alberta Human Resources and Employment Partnerships Team, the Canadian Federation of Construction Safety Associations, and others to ensure the standards they are holding their clients to meet their requirements as well. Partnership teams will vary province to province.
Why Do I need a COR?
Achieving and maintaining a valid COR is required for earning a financial incentive through the WCB Partnerships in Injury Reduction program or other WCB Programs.
It is also not unusual for Prime or General Contractors to expect sub-contractors bidding on projects to hold a valid COR.
How do I choose a Certifying Partner?
There are a few things you'll want to consider first:
- What industry is your company in? For example, A Canadian oil & gas company might prefer to use Enform as its certifying partner since they are the most widely used.
- In what locations does your certifying partner offer training & how available/accessible is that training?
- What types of safety services are offered by the certifying partner? Does my company need them?
- How much does their training cost? What are the annual services or membership fees?
- If you're a sub contractor, does your prime or general contractor have a lot of subs working for them that use a particular certifying partner?
Some certifying partners focus on a single province while others are recognized across provincial lines. If your business operates in more than one province you will want to see if you can use the same certifying partner for both provinces.
It is also important to note that some certifying partners act as a 'Catch All' and provide certifying partnerships to all industries even though they might have 'Construction' in their name. This is typically seen in provinces with smaller pockets of industry where a governing body has not yet been formed for these industries.
Below you can find links to certifying partners pages / lists in Canada (with the exception of Quebec). Do your own research and keep a few of the above things in mind when making a decision on which certifying partner to choose.
Alberta - Alberta Labour Certifying Partners List
British Columbia - WorkSafe BC Certifying Partners List
Ontario - IHSA COR
Saskatchewan - WorkSafe Saskatchewan Certifying Partners List
Manitoba - Safe Work Manitoba Certifying Partners List
Nova Scotia - NSCSA COR
Newfoundland - NLCSA COR
New Brunswick - NBCSA COR
Prince Edward Island - CAPEI COR
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